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Michael Fisher

After 15 years as a hairstylist and platform educator for a world-renowned company, Michael's insatiable curiosity propelled him into the cutting-edge realms of Web3, Blockchain, and Artificial Intelligence. Now, as a full-stack developer, he leverages his meticulous attention to detail, unwavering dedication, and relentless pursuit of knowledge to craft innovative solutions that bridge the gap between art and technology. Infusing his unique blend of artistic sensitivity and passion for innovation, he fuels his vision to shape the future of technology, scale businesses and brands, and empower others through groundbreaking advancements.

Michael Fisher
Michael Fisher

Final ProjectSow Tropical

Full-stack app for tracking things like watering schedule, fertilization, and adding new tropical plants.


Why Boca Code?

Because of its full-time in person course, great reviews, and senior level developers.

What are some of the important skills for success in your field?

Having the ability to build full-stack applications, drive for knowledge, staying ahead of the trends, and understanding of how to scale businesses and brands.

What inspired you to pursue your current career path?

For my love of blockchain, web3 and the thirst for knowledge.