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Joelle Johnson
Having led in management for three years, Joelle's pivot to real estate led her to a fascination with data analytics. It was this intrigue that nudged her towards pursuing computer programming. Her forte lies in full stack development, particularly backend technologies, data manipulation, and security. An outgoing and team-driven individual, Joelle thrives on conquering new challenges. Outside of coding, Joelle is passionate about nature, family, and community outreach.

Why Boca Code?
I chose Boca Code because I love coding. I felt that I was not learning at a satisfactory pace in college. I was able to code, but unable to engineer. I had no portfolio to showcase, and I wanted to be employable, quickly. I was hungry to learn how to make functioning full-stack apps, and Boca Code was a great way for me to hone my skills and become employable. I felt confident that Boca Code could fill in the gaps of information and leave me with a strong resume, portfolio, and network.
What are some of the important skills for success in your field?
Knowing how to network, manage time, and problem solve.
What inspired you to pursue your current career path?
A friend of mine was a young web developer, and he was financially independent and had a great work-life balance. I took the plunge, tried coding on my own at home, fell in love with it and pursued a degree in computer programming.